Woman of fire ready to die to be reborn…
Ready to burn all the bridges because she knows that by doing so she will give herself wings to fly.
Determined to NEVER lose herself again, but to lose in her daring everything else that is not her.
It will seem to others that she is not real, sometimes they look at her with fear in their eyes…
Because while looking at her, they don’t know whether they admire her or die together with her….
Those whose hearts she delights in… They feed on her courage to more easily master their lessons of transformation…
Those whose heart terrifies… They themselves move out of her way…
She DOESN’T WONDER anything anymore, because she KNOWS. Because there is nothing else left for her but to be BORN again. She has already died so many times that now she already knows that by her own choice she can just push herself up into the air and fly away in the power of all the flames. She has already lost so much that she is freed from the attachment to possession.
She is the one who plunged her fire so deep into the darkness, that now she knows that she is more powerful than anything, and is aware that no one and nothing can stand in her way.
She can only be loved by one who is BRAVE, cruel but true… willing to accept her death as much as her life force. She doesn’t need his flame to drown her empty walls… She needs his flame to dance together, strong and bright, in passion, and create the creation of life. Together, then, the two just disperse in the meteor shower, to the joy of all those who observe that scene, and find a pre-dawn lull in the peace of the watery horizon.
She is a PHOENIX, she is a LEO woman (in both senses of the word), she is a light to herself and to everyone around her. She tames herself and does not allow others to do it for her. Because he knows that power is not stolen but found in a deep union with oneself.

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